DTAG — NFTs & The Future of Blockchain!
First, I would like to start off with a huge thank you to all my early supporters! I have been able to create a solid MvP and “Proof of Concept” that will allow me to move into the next phase of development. As I expand, I will onboard a legal team and compensate the developers I work with. Now on with the show.

Our 1st event was a major success! A group of individuals teamed up to produce the 1st curated #DTAG showcase ( Digital Token Awareness Group ). The main focus of this venture is to make space for industry leaders to network, bring together their communities, demonstrate cutting edge technology and present current real-world use case solutions. Virtual Growth, The Society and Rabbit Hole where a very integral part to making this a reality.

Acquicent has become one of our main sponsors, providing spaces for our group will allow more frequent events on a smaller intimate basis.

ViRSE has also joined as a main event sponsor and has built and incredible immersive virtual universe for everyone to join. Register on https://vitokenex.com/ for 1000 tokens

This is truly a crescendo of consistent behind the scene efforts. I have spread my vision for PCDC Auction House to more platforms and have a few interested parties ready to create digital economies with our services!

Nick at Receiptchain has been tirelessly upgrading his app for mass adoption purposes; now users can buy and sell physical items and mint & auction digital items on his platform. With this functionality a company or individual can now create coupons, tickets, rewards and more all in one place. Think along the lines of Eventbrite, Groupon, Craigslist and a loyalty program all rolled into one.

Games are leading the way with digital item creation and integration. Enjin multiverse sword can be used in 30 different games and users store in their wallet to buy, sell or trade. Companies can use this same model and allow their digital play to become more user intuitive.

With education, presentation and demonstration at the forefront attendees of the #DTAG experience felt a sense of connectivity and appreciation like never before in the blockchain event space.

We are just getting started, we have much more to roll out. We also want to thank Our giveaway sponsors. Rhovit, Enjin, Ether Legends, Gecko Multiverse

Be on the lookout for our next event, virtual and local.
Mark Savage
P.C.D.C Auction House
The Society
Please download Receiptchain wallet before the event to receive your tokens:
Founder and #DTAG NFTs coming soon!
(Send 10,000 RCs Guarantees one!)