Enjin Wallet! Under the hood & Giveaway
I first heard about the Enjin wallet in 2017! I was interested in ways to secure my digital assets! I believe it was the proprietary keyboard feature that drew me to use the Enjin wallet!
Enjin Secure Keyboard

I love the idea of a keyboard that isn’t connected to my service provider! As I used the Enjin I began to see my value & digital assets appear! The added feature to SCAN QR for NFT giveaways has been an incredible experience!

Here is a full list of added features and updates:
Create and Manage Infinite Wallets
ARM Security Upgrade (Direct Assembly Compiled)
Track and Watch any Address or Public Key
Automatically add and detect Tokens with a Balance
Colossal speed boost — Enjin Wallet is now fastest on the market
Ability to handle huge accounts with billions of transactions
Import MEW / Private Key / Keystore / BIP38 / WIF / XPRV
Import and Sweep for BTC and LTC
Quick Send Receive Slide on Coin List
Enjin Secure Keyboard upgrade
RTL languages adjustments
Optimized gas price selector
Powered by EnjinX with instant detailed transaction data
I am a big Crypto Gamer and this giveaway has been fun and reveals the new direction of gaming!

Being able to own and sell your digital assets is a major feature for everyone that seeks a high score. If I were able to own Lara Croft or SNAKE from Metal Gear I would jump at that chance without hesitation. Others would love to purchase and power-up Mario, Sonic or even Mickey Mouse. Moving forward we all can buy and own new characters created!

I am very excited about a multigame universe where we can use the characters in different games and get benefits from having special items in our possession!

ENTER TO WIN!! Join the community NOW: https://wn.nr/zyKHs2